
CASS Condemns Silencing of EPA Scientists Letter to Trump Administration


House Letter to Reps. Calvert and McCollum in Opposition to Proposed FY18 Budget Cuts to EPA Senate Letter to Sens. Udall and Murkowski in Opposition of Proposed  FY18 Budget Cuts to EPA House Letter to Reps. Culberson and Serrano in Opposition of Proposed FY18 Budget Cuts to NASA Programs  House Letter to Reps. Culberson and […]

Waters of the United States

In March 2021, CASS urged the Biden Administration to return to a Waters of the US (WOTUS) rule based on science, citing the loss of protections for millions of stream miles and acres of wetlands, leading to dire consequences for fish, fisheries, wildlife, watersheds, water quality and supply, flood control, as well as the people […]